
Our Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors

The commitment of a diverse leadership group serving as Baltimore’s Promise’s Board of Directors, which includes foundations, nonprofits, businesses, elected officials, and university presidents makes this effort unique. The Board of Directors includes:



Matthew Gallagher, President & CEO, Goldseker Foundation

Lisa Lawson, President & CEO, The Annie E. Casey Foundation


Franklyn D. Baker, President & CEO, United Way of Central Maryland


Danista E. Hunte, President & CEO, Maryland Philanthropy Network

Board Members

Ronald Daniels, President, Johns Hopkins University

Tisha Edwards, Secretary of Appointments, Office of the Governor of Maryland

Mary Beth Haller, Acting Commissioner, Baltimore City Health Department

Bruce E. Jarrell, President, University of Maryland, Baltimore

Anthony L. Jenkins, President, Coppin State University

Carim V. Khouzami, President & CEO, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

Alysia Lee, President, Baltimore Children & Youth Fund

Mark Lerner, Founding Partner, Blanket Fort Foundation

Brian D. Pieninck, President & CEO, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

Sonja Santelises, CEO, Baltimore City Public Schools

Shanaysha Sauls, President & CEO, Baltimore Community Foundation

The Honorable Brandon M. Scott, Mayor, City of Baltimore

David Wilson, President, Morgan State University


Julia Baez, Chief Executive Officer, Baltimore’s Promise

Community Advisory Board

As part of our fundamental commitment to our community, the Baltimore’s Promise Community Advisory Board deepens the connection between our Board of Directors and local community leaders by creating a more formal channel to ensure local stakeholders help shape our priorities and key initiatives, including our annual goals and the strategies used to achieve them.

Meet our Community Advisory Board!